Marginal Gains in Sport - SportsHotels - The sports accommodation experts

Marginal Gains in Sport

Success in sport, just like in life in fact, is often about those marginal gains, that when accumulated, result in significant, and more importantly, successful, outcomes. We at are big believers in this theory and wanted to expand further on it in this blog.

Sir Dave Brailsford believed that if you make a 1% improvement in a host of minute areas, the cumulative benefits would be extraordinary. This was proved to be true with the unbelievable transformation of the British Cycling Team, who went from mediocrity to a staggering 16 gold medals and seven Tour de France wins.

Brailsford noticed a way which could potentially benefit the cyclists during the Tour de France and it all focused around the importance of rest.

During the race, the cyclists slept in 21 different hotels, which of course meant a range of different bedding, meaning no two nights’ sleep were the same. When you are riding six hours a day for three weeks straight, rest is just as important as performance, if not more.

To combat this, Brailsford ensured that each rider had their own custom designed mattress and pillows on the team bus, which were then put it into the rider’s room at each stop. A consistent night’s sleep subsequently meant the team were more energised for the race. This alone is not going to make a huge difference, but teamed with other small changes, the results can be impressive.

We’re big fans of the ‘marginal gains’ rule which is why we partner with hotels where sports teams and organisations have the amenities available them to make these gains. We aim to provide a service where our clients can focus 100% on performance and becoming the best they can be. Just simply leave the rest to us, we’ve got you covered.

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