Home Advantage? Not Necessarily… - SportsHotels - The sports accommodation experts

Home Advantage? Not Necessarily…

The term ‘home advantage’ is one that spans across the complete sporting hemisphere. Both teams and fans feel far more confident when on home soil, and in matches which are closely contested, the bookmakers will tend to lean towards those in their normal surroundings. However, is this true to fashion? Is there a far superior advantage to those playing at home? We’re not so sure so we wanted to take a closer look.

There’s no denying that some sports stadiums across the world are renowned for their atmosphere more than others. However, often enough, an away team can enter the lions’ den with immense pride and normally with a lot less pressure on their shoulders than the home team. Home fans can often get on the back of their team when things aren’t going to plan and as a result, a negative atmosphere can spread like wildfire. 

The pre-game preparation for a game can also be more suited to the away team, particularly for those home teams who do not stay in a hotel the night before. A comfortable hotel with all the facilities and amenities a sports organisation could possibly need, such as a gym, private dining, swimming pool and coach parking, can prove hugely beneficial in the lead up to a game. It gives players and staff the opportunity to fine tune all the meticulous details to get the win, while also giving everyone the opportunity to focus completely on the task in hand without any outside distractions. 

And let’s look at it from a fan’s point of view, we love away days. There’s just something special about heading to another stadium with your friends and family and making a weekend of it. Also, for the lesser teams an away game almost feels like free hit, what’s that old saying… win your home games and you’ll be fine!

Here at sportshotels.com we recognise the need for appropriate accommodation for teams and fans alike and we are proud to provide a welcomed solution for arranging hotel stays for sports people.

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